Glazed Sweet Potatoes
- 1 tablespoon Sultanas.
- 1/2 teaspoon Ground Ginger.
- Juice of a Lemon.
- Grated rind of an Orange.
- 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon.
- 2 Sweet potatoes, peeled and sliced (about 1/2 inch thick).
- 1/4 cup of Water.
- 2 tablespoon of Olive oil.
- Salt & Pepper.
First Parboil the sweet potatoes, dry them and let cool down. In a heavy pan pour the olive oil, and mix in the honey as well as the sultanas on a low heat. Then add the ginger, cinnamon, orange rind, lemon juice, ginger and the water. Cook this mixture, slowly, for 10 minutes stirring from time to time.
Next add the potatoes to the mixture, mix them well but gently to make sure that they are coated from all sides. Place them on a greaseproof oven dish and cook them at high temperature (200 degrees Celsius) for 10 to 15 minutes.
"A man replete with food is not the same man when fasting"
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
Renaissance Culinaire Links - Guide to Culinary & Baking Resources For professionals & Home users.
Why is there seasons for fish and crustaceans?

This makes their meat meager and spent, resulting in spongy,mushy dishes.
Crustaceans (crabs, shrimps, lobsters) quality is also, subject to fluctuation due to season cycles.

Molting means that crustacean flesh quality is highly variable. An actively growing animal has dense, abundant muscle while an animal preparing to molt or newly molted have a poor muscle mass and is mainly filled with water.
Hsing Jen Cha

Balance of flavours, textures colors and cooking methods plays a very important part in Asian cuisine. This dessert uses two of the original products of Asia, almonds that became established in Asia before spreading westward to the middle-east and Mediterranean countries, and rice which was domesticated 7000 BC in the Yangtze river valley in China.
- 200g Pearl Rice.
- 100g Almonds, skinned.
- 590 ml Water.
- 6 tablespoon Sugar.
- 1/2 teaspoon of Bitter almond essences.
- 1 pod of Cardamon, pounded.
- 12 Whole almonds, whole, skinned and toasted.
There it goes, Drain the rice and the almonds and grind them in a food processor. Then place this mix in a heavy pot with the sugar, almond essence, cardamon and the water and cook gently for 30-40 minutes, stirring constantly.
Let to infuse for 5 minutes and serve lukewarm topped with the toasted almonds.
"Our lives are not in the hands of the Gods, but in the lap of our cooks"
Lin Yutang
Why is fish meat rich in highly unsaturated fats?
The cells membrane, energy reserves of a fish and everything they eat must remain fluid and workable at all time even if the environment surrounding them approach freezing temperature.
Colombo de Giraumon
Turban squash or giraumon a turban
There is recipe using a squash native from the Caribbean. Giraumon come in 3 main edible varieties Giraumon, turban squash and Eisine squash. Despite their attractive decorative effect,
these squash have a firm, sweet and mealy texture.
For 4 people :
- 1 Onion, finely sliced.
- 2 cloves Garlic, crushed.
- 2 teaspoon of Curry powder.
- 3 cloves Garlic, crushed.
- 1/2 Red chili, finely sliced.
- 450g of Giraumon, peeled and chopped in cubes.
- 2 Tomatoes, chopped.
- 1 tablespoon Sultanas.
- 1/2 teaspoon Sugar.
- Juice of 1 lemon.
- Salt, pepper.
In a heavy pot, sweat of the onion, the garlic and the chili. Avoid any coloration. Add the spices and cook for 5 minutes. When this is done, add the giraumon, the tomatoes and the sultanas, sprinkle with the lemon juice and allow to cook for 30 to 40 minutes stirring frequently to ensure that it doesn't catch.
It makes a great accompaniment to pineapple glazed ham or black pudding or simply some rice.
"We should look for someone to eat and drink with before looking for something to eat or drink, for dining alone is leading the life of lion or wolf"

Malaysian Pisang pancakes

Pancake Tuesday, great! But what about dairy intolerant people? There is a great Malaysian pancake recipe that will suit there dietary needs. Pisang pancakes are simply banana and coconut pancakes. This is a very easy recipe.
- 2 Eggs.
- 1 tablespoon Sugar.
- 225g Self-raising Flour.
- 1 tablespoon Coconut cream.
- 5 Bananas.
- 1/2 Lemon juice.
- Butter.
In a bowl whisk energetically the eggs and the sugar. Then sift the flour and fold it into the eggs, a little at the time, alternating with pouring the coconut cream.
Mash the bananas with the lemon juice and mix it well with the "batter".
Melt some butter in a non-stick pan and pour a couple of spoon of the mix, tilt the pan so that the "batter" coats the bottom of the pan. Cook for about 6 minutes then flip it and cook it for another 6 minutes.
Then you just have to enjoy them as there are still warm.
"In cooking as in the arts, simplicity is a sign of perfection"
Ful Medames
- 1 lit Water.
- 4 cloves Garlic, peeled, cored and crushed.
- 1 tablespoon of ground Cumin.
- 6 boiled hard (10 minutes), Eggs.
- 6 Tomatoes.
- 1 Onion, finely chopped.
- 2 Lemons.
- 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, coarsely chopped.
- 1 teaspoon Turmeric.
- 1 teaspoon Paprika.
- 30cl Extra virgin olive oil.
In an ovenproof casserole, sweat of the onion and the garlic with the olive oil, very gently, for 5 minutes then add 2 tomatoes roughly chopped, the cumin and the beans. Top with the water and bring to the boil. Let it simmer covered for 10 minutes. Then place the casserole into a preheated oven 150 degrees C (300F, Gas 2). Let the beans cook gently for 3 to 4 hours.
On side plates place the sliced eggs, sprinkled with the turmeric, the rest of the tomatoes finely sliced and the lemons cut in wedges.
Finally, take the casserole out of the oven, let them rest for 5 minutes uncovered, sprinkle the beans with the paprika and the parsley and serve accompanied with the side dishes of eggs, tomatoes, lemon wedges and some olive oil.
"Laughter is brightest were food is best"
Irish proverb

Caribbean Avocado Soup
There is a very simple and refreshing soup recipe.
For 4 people :
- 3 ripe Avocados.
- 2 stalks of Spring onions, finely chopped.
- 1 tablespoon Lime juice.
- 590ml/ 2 1/2 cups of Milk or Soy milk (for a dairy free option).
- Salt and Pepper
Open the avocado by doing an incision all around and move gently the two pieces against each other until they open by themselves. Then scoop the flesh out and place it in a food processor adding immediately the lime juice to avoid its oxidation. Add the scallions some salt and pepper and blitz it to a fine mixture. Then add progressively the milk (or Soy milk) while using the food processor to a medium speed.
Serve Chilled.
"There is no love sincerer than the love of food"George Bernard Shaw

Shiro wat
- 1 clove Garlic, crushed.
- 1 Scallion (or spring onion), only the white part.
- 1 tablespoon Red wine vinegar.
- 120ml/ 1/2 cup Water.
- 2 tablespoon Chili powder.
- 2 teaspoon Rock sea salt.
- 1/2 teaspoon ground Black pepper.
- 1/4 teaspoon of fresh, grated Ginger.
- 1/4 teaspoon ground Coriander.
- 1/4 teaspoon ground Fenugreek seeds.
- 1/4 teaspoon ground Nutmeg.
- Seeds of a pod of Cardamon, crushed.
For the Wat :
- 225g Raw Peanuts.
- 1 Onion, finely sliced.
- 2 tablespoons tomato purée.
- 1 Egg, beaten.
- 600 ml/ 2 1/2 cups Water.
- Olive oil.
- 2 Cloves, crushed.
- Pinch Cinnamon.
- Pinch Allspice.
- Salt.
First combine the garlic, spring onion, vinegar and water in a blender until smooth. Set aside. Put all the rest of the ingredients for the berberé into a dry heavy pan on medium heat to toast gently for 6 to 8 minutes, stirring all the time. Then add the blend of garlic and scallion to the spices and simmer very gently for 10 minutes. It should get to the consistency of a thick paste (like tomato purée for example). This make enough paste for up to two stews, the left over can be kept for a month in the fridge.
In a heavy pan heat up a tablespoon of olive oil and sauté half of the berberé paste previously done, keep aside. Grind the peanuts into a smooth paste in the blender. Now, in a separate stewing pot, sweat of the onion with a spoon of olive oil, stir in the tomato paste and the sautéed paste. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes while stirring well. Then, spoon in the beaten egg and gradually add the ground peanuts. When it is done pour in the water, a little at the time, stirring constantly to produce an even mixture.
Bring, gently, to the boil and let it simmer for 15 minutes.
Serve warm with rice.
"The discovery of a new dish does more for the happiness of the human race than the discovery of a star"
Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

Abou Ganouje
For 4 to 6 people :
- 3 Aubergines (also known under the name of Eggplants).
- 1 Green bell pepper, finely sliced.
- 3 Ripped tomatoes.4 tablespoon Extra virgin olive oil (from Greece or Crete).
- 1 Small onion, finely sliced.
- Juice of 2 lemons.
- 2 cloves of Garlic, crushed and very finely chopped.
- 1/2 teaspoon Chili powder.
- 1 teaspoon ground Cumin.
- 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, coarsely chopped.
- Salt/ Pepper.
Heat your oven to 180 degres Celsius (350'F or Gas mark 4). First slightly cook the aubergines, whole, in the oven with a drizzle of olive oil for 10 minutes. Let cool down.
Cut them in half and scoop out the pulp and chop it raughly.Then toss it carefully with the onion, chili and tomatoes.
In a bowl, join the olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, cumin and chili powder with some salt and pepper (to taste) and mix well.
Pour the dressing over the salad then chopped parsley.Mix Carefully and let to rest for 1 hour in a cool area (not the fridge as the olive oil would set and would not be absorbed by the aubergines).
"Eat little, sleep sound"
Iranian Proverb